Marketing/Membership Committee

Marketing/Membership Committee

The Marketing / Membership Committee creates and maintains all marketing materials used by the Council, including the website, brochures, and e-newsletters. They also gather leads for potential members and follow up on them, ensuring the survival and continued excellence of the Council.


Marketing is a crucial part of any organization and the Business Advisory Council is no different. There are a variety of things that must be kept up-to-date and fresh.

  • New posts are made to the website on a regular basis as well as a quick face-lift before the next school year begins.
  • E-Newsletters are sent out monthly to keep members apprised of what is going on that month so they don’t miss out on anything.
  • Assist in promoting events like Teach-in Day and Techfest.
  • Brochures, flyers, and business cards are created to hand out to potential members to raise their awareness of our organization.
  • Current Marketing Materials:


Our members are what make the Council what it is today. They are responsible for the majority of work that gets accomplished and the success that results from that work. We are pleased that the members of our Council are as diverse as the school they service, as are their efforts. Some of our members make money or item donations. Others donate their time. Many do both.

We are always on the look-out for potential members. We don’t believe that this is a one-way street where members give and the Council takes. This is very much a two-way street where both parties benefit. The benefits to the Council are fairly obvious and include work getting done, money being raised, goals being met, and scholarships being awarded. Members benefit in slightly different ways such as the opportunity to network with other business men and women, and good community relations for their business, among others.

Of course, the reason all of us are here is to benefit the students of Crooms AoIT. That’s what drives the Council and directs our efforts. If you would like to be a part of the Crooms AoIT Business Advisory Council, please email us at or call the school at (407) 320-5750 and ask to talk with a representative of the Business Advisory Council.

It all starts here! Sign up and get connected. Crooms AoIT builds partnerships to connect the classroom learning to business community experiences. To learn more about Crooms Academy, you can visit the school’s website.